Category: 1980s
Movies from the 1980s
233 – Predator
The Dudes go topless in the jungle and get chased by one ugly…. with 1987’s Predator. Oft-quoted, oft-referenced, and oft-memed, this movie defines 80s excess, and still entertains almost 40 years later. So air-arm-wrestle your best frenemy and paint stripes on your face for…an advantage? Who cares, this is a damned good time. OTHER MOVIES… Read more
202 – The Hunger
The Dudes live forever and ever in 1983’s The Hunger! This sexy vampire tragedy ponders mortality and eternity in a way that only Tony Scott could: with soft-blue light and billowing curtains. The mood is set, and the cycle must continue, so grab your ankh, practice your cello, and engage in monkey science, because we’re… Read more
196 – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
The Dudes run afoul of school officials and ditch class in style with 1986’s Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. There’s a good chance you’re very familiar with this classic, so let us walk you through this impossibly overstuffed day of activities. Gummy bear? They’ve been in my pocket, they’re real warm and soft. Other movies… Read more
194 – Clash of the Titans (1981)
The Dudes find their destiny in 1981’s Clash of the Titans! Thanks to Zeus’ inability to keep it in his pants, we join Perseus on his epic journey to slay the Gorgon, save his bride, and appease the Gods once and for all. Filled with Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion special effects, an R2D2 clone, and a… Read more
193 – The Karate Kid Part III
The Dudes de-plane at LAX only to find themselves in yet another blood feud with 1989’s The Karate Kid Part III. Daniel Larusso is a nice enough guy. But he possesses an indefinable quality which attracts tormenters, and instead of engaging in self-assessment and gaining a deeper understanding of his issues so that this doesn’t… Read more
189 – The Return of the Living Dead
The Dudes attempt to fit in with both old guys and every teen subculture with 1985’s zombie classic The Return of the Living Dead. This near-perfect blend of horror, comedy and social commentary was another entry in the canon of VHS boxes that intrigued you as a child at the video store. The good news?… Read more
187 – Society
The Dudes’ fear of rich people is proven completely justified with 1989’s Society. Like El Guapo, this film is not just famous, it’s IN-famous, mainly due to its unforgettable final act that will leave you wishing you’d never investigated the taste of The Shunt. It’s Halloween everybody, let’s get repulsive! Other movies discussed: Mad God… Read more
186 – Possession
The Dudes abandon their failed marriage and nurture something new with 1981’s Possession. There may be a few bodies (and tentacles) along the way, but that’s a small price to pay for happiness. This film is infamous for many reasons, but it’s the unforgettable performances that ground it for the audience, shocked as they may… Read more
174 – Witness
The Dudes hide out on an Amish farm with 1985’s Witness. This early career hit from director Peter Weir cemented Harrison Ford, who was already a giant movie star, as a truly great actor. Join us as we discuss this fantastic film, and learn a little about Dave’s up-brining. What a mensch! Other movies discussed:… Read more