Category: 1980s
Movies from the 1980s
257 – The Burbs
The Dudes mow their lawn for the 800th time and then snap with 1989’s The Burbs. This comedic study of life in a very sheltered environment exposes ugly secrets about how Americans view anything they’re not used to. It also features an illogical ending that sends Dave on a filibuster. And just remember everybody: Satan… Read more
253 – The Beastmaster
The Dudes gyrate around a cauldron with 1982’s The Beastmaster. Full of imagination and ideas, this ambitious film that played for years on Basic and Premium Cable is a worthy Sword and Sorcery entry, an unfairly maligned genre. So strip to your loincloths and cacaw from mountaintops, because if you’re in the right headspace, this… Read more
250 – A Dudes Kind of Christmas
We’re celebrating our 250th episode by discussing our favorite holiday films in multiple genres. That’s right folks – 16 films are discussed in this episode! We also do a gift exchange and chat about our personal holiday memories. So curl up by the fire, get yourself some eggnog, and prepare for a holiday spectacular like… Read more
249 – My Dinner With Andre
After referencing it for years, The Dudes finally cover 1981’s My Dinner With Andre. Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory are very different people, but as writers and performers, their collaboration is perfectly synchronized. Written by the two leads, this film is a dramatization of a conversation based on real events and experiences from each man’s… Read more
246 – Blood Rage
PASTE THE HTML CODE HERE The Dudes haven’t covered Twin Magic in a while, so they head to America’s most questionable state for Thanksgiving sex and violence with 1987’s Blood Rage. This slasher that went through 4 different titles is a wild romp and delivers everything you expect. It also features the weirdest performance of… Read more
244 – The Breakfast Club
The Dudes have Saturday detention in 1985’s The Breakfast Club. Hopefully they use this time to think about what they’ve done, but we know they’ll just end up exploring their inner demons, wondering where Ally Sheedy got that change of clothes, and participate in several dance montages. Listen or they’ll waste you! OTHER MOVIES DISCUSSED… Read more
243 – The Naked Gun
The Dudes have a 50-50 chance of living, though there’s only a 10% chance of that, with 1988’s The Naked Gun. Rapid fire jokes in every frame will leave you wheezing by the 30th minute, and that’s just the palate cleanser we all needed after Horror Month. Enjoy the laughs everybody, because this is our… Read more
234 – Stand By Me
The Dudes want to see a dead body in 1986’s Stand By Me. This coming of age tale follows four friends on a journey where they unexpectedly grow as individuals, address past traumas, and gain reverence for things most adolescents ignore. It contains some of the best kid acting ever put to film, and is… Read more